JSIS Directory Frequently Asked Questions

JSIS Directory Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why are we moving to PTOffice?

Our move to PTOffice started as a quest to find an online solution to manage our directory in order to save PTA funds, resources (all that paper!), and volunteer hours. We were lucky to find a solution that not only has an online directory, but the capacity to centralize all communications, volunteer needs, event coordination, e-store, and many more features. This will help us create a nearly one-stop shop solution for all PTA activities at JSIS. This service will help us to avoid duplicating efforts and will make school communication easier. The online directory will always be available to update and will be accessible anywhere there is an internet connection.

  1. Who has access to my contact information?

Only registered school members will be able to see the directory, and only the information you choose to show during the registration process. The general public does not have access to our contact information. PTOffice prioritizes data protection and has multiple levels of security to keep our information safe at the server level, the account level, and the user level. PTOffice does not use or share our contact data.

  1. I'm a 5th grade family with no younger children. Why would I register for the online directory?

Registering and keeping your information in the system even after graduation will allow you to continue to access contact information for members of your class and update your contact information for them. It also allows you to be contacted for future events such as reunions. Opting out is also always your prerogative.

  1. I'll miss the printed directory. Can I get a printout of my class contact information?

We plan to have class printouts available upon request once all the members of your class have registered.

  1. Can I opt out of the directory completely?

Yes you can but, if you do, you will not get any PTA or classroom communications. At a minimum, we'd recommend that you register and leave your email address in the system so that you can receive communications from your classroom rep, teachers, and PTA. Your child's name will appear on class lists but you can turn off display of all other information if you choose. Again, this is the way other families will be able to communicate with you so leaving some contact data is certainly preferred. To opt out, send full family information to: [email protected].