
Recycling and Food Waste Composting 
JSIS students sort compost, recycling, and garbage during lunch periods and in classrooms. My website

Reducing Waste 
JSIS PTSA strives to use reusable service ware whenever possible, to reduce the need for disposable food service items. my link

Washington Green School Certification
The Washington Green Schools program provides resources and tools to involve students, teachers, and community members in assessing and taking action to increase resource conservation and waste reduction in schools. JSIS has achieved Gold Level certification.

Bike to School Month
We are seeking volunteers to organize this fun event!  Contact us at [email protected].

Landscaping – Native Plants & Integrated Pest Management
In past years, JSIS families have helped plant and maintain the existing native plant garden north of the kindergarten playground, rebuilt soil with compost (both from Cedar Grove and our own worm bins), spread mulch, weeded, and watered over the summer. Parental support is critical to ensure our school grounds are maintained and free of pesticides and herbicides. click here

Worm Bins
We are seeking volunteers to organize Food for Worms!  Contact us at [email protected].

Community Re-Use and Recycling programs
We have ongoing recycling and re-use programs for surplus cell phones, laptops, printer cartridges, shoes, and socks. JSIS PTSA receives income from the cell phone, laptop, and cartridge recycling programs. Gently used shoes and new socks are donated to Redeeming Soles. Donation bins are near the 42nd street entrance or, for laptops, in the JSIS office.