Move-a-Thon this Sunday!

Get ready to move and have fun in our 1st all-school PTSA sponsored FUNdraiser, the Move-a-Thon! Ms. Hultman has been teaching our students the importance of healthy eating, sportsmanship and safety when performing sports in preparation for the Move-a-Thon and as part of our theme “Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Happy Children!” Ms. Hultman will also man a helmet check station on the day of the event to make sure our children are safe while on the trail.
Included is the pledge sheet for the event and a list of frequently asked questions. If you wish to collect pledges electronically, use our Rallyup page, to reach out of town/state friends/family. Our target goal is $100 per student. Funds received during the event benefit all JSIS students as it supports the execution of all PTSA activities, events, and contributions to our school.
Please join us this year as we have introduce other fun games and attractions like a hula-hoop competition, jump rope and more and will also be raffling prizes at the park.  All student attendees will also receive a free Move-a-Thon t-shirt! For a better description of our goal, list of prizes and sponsors/donors please refer to the Move-a-Thon website.

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